Introduce My Self

Ok guys, i will tell you all abot myself :D Are you ready,,, first just call me "Bung". I’m not Handsome, not Clever, and not from Wealthy family. So i don’t have a reason to be Arrogant. waitt... waittt... are you sure want to read again about myself,, if you interested, let’s play. Heheh XD


I have some hobbies Guyss, First i like sport, i like Playing Futsal, playing Volly Ball, hangout with my bicycle and i like  Swiming too :D
 I like reading, I like reding Biography aboud Leaders in the world and novels which give me Inspiraion. I like to play Music instrument, Guitar is my Favorite. I often to wasting my time with Guitar. If i have problem and felling bored , i will playing Guitar very good,, hehehe

          After playing Guitar, i like to speak foreing language, the first foreing language which i like is Japanese, cuz i have a dream to study there since i'm in middle School. My Japanese Teacher Influence me when i was Middle School, made me Interesting with this country, but  whereever it is.., i have a plane to study abroad, an Obligation for me to make it come true :D I like to speak others foreign language, i like Turkish, Arabic and ofc i like English :D

       I like to traveling, look so beautiful Indonesia. I got many Knowledge when i visit another place which have diffrent habbit, culture and Language. Our Indonesia so Rich, So Beautiful and Amaziingg Guys :D We Should Visit and Explor Our Beautiful Indonesia. When we visit another place, we will got that Allah Swt made everything so perfect, no one dont have fuction, So beutiful and Ballance. I also Wanna visit other countries in the world, Aamiin



2000-2006   : Elementary School 17 Kota Bengkulu.
2006-2009   : Middle School 1 Kota Bengkulu.
2009-2012   : High School 1 Kota Bengkulu.
2012-2016   : Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Gunadarma University, Depok.
2016-2018   : Magister Of Civil Engineering, Gunadarma University, Depok.

This is some picture when I still middle and high School student:

Now in University:

Nahh, its about my education,, Hmm, Now what i could to tell u guys!! How about my experience in Organization?? When i still in middle School, I'm a boy Scoot and We proud as a Boy Scot, hahah 
In Senior high School, so many organization which i have joined and this were my experiences:
- Member of PKN Club (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan). 
-  Member Of  Club IPO (International Physics Olympiade). I love Physic when i'm in Senior High     School
-   Leader for Class “AMAXTONE” 2008-2011
-   Chief of Risma Al-Fikr 2010-2011 
-    Vice-Chief II Osis Smansa 2010-2011 



          Those were my experience in organizations if i didn't write wrong Guys,,, Heheh
Now I will Tell you my Secret, Actually i won't tell you about this but more good to write this in my blog. So i always remember and will be more spirit to reach it. This is about my hope, about my plane what I should reach in future and made my life become more Colorful, Even If one day i can't make all become true. This plane enough to make me keep my spirit, to try hard and to enjoy this Life. Ohh Allah SWT, The Only One God Who Coutrol The Universe. These hope too easy and too small for you to make its become real in my Life. Please make thes hope happen to my Life:
1.      Go to paradise with bless of Allah SWT, Aamiin  Ofc everyone wanna get paradise right!!
2.      Make my parent be happy, do so many thing what make they become happy and proud of me as their Son, Although We will never can do what they did for Us, We never can do more than they did
3.      Study Abroad or work in another country outside Indonesia and visit many Country in The world. To look How Allah create this world so beautiful.
4.      Go to Haj, Visit the land where our prophet Muhammad Peach be Upon him Was Born. Ohh Allah, Call me for Haj soon, Aamiin
4.      Be a Lecturer, be someone who can teach people.  
5.      Working in Construction like Contractor or Consultant, i waste my time to study about Civil Engineering if i don't work in this field.
6.      Be Enterpreneur,,, So Challenge me!!

Those are my Terget Guys, Maybe you Laugh when you read my plane and think that i can't make it true. The Important one is I brave To make hope. Dream with Open Eyes :D

I will reach my dreams, InsyaAllah :D
(This profil still in reparation) Hehe XD 

Contact Me: 
E-mail      :
FB            : Risky Wahyudi "Amaxtone"
Instagram : bungblog77

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